A word to the wise

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Monday, March 2, 2015

A Dream that wasn't a Dream.

A little less than 20 years ago, I had a dream that was unlike any dream I've had before or since. I remember every detail and sensation as vividly today as I did at the time I was dreaming it. It's still crystal clear and that alone makes it unusual.

Like most people, I think, the memory of my dreams are often muddled and vague or not remembered at all. Occasionally, I'll have a vivid dream where I'll remember everything including colors, smells, sounds and so forth. I've certainly had and remember much longer dreams that were more complex, full of impossible characters and bizarre events making them, in principle, subjectively more memorable. I once dreamed an entire non-existent movie staring Robin Williams and John Malkovich. It was good too. But I've never had any dreams that came close to impacting me the way this very brief and comparatively uneventful one I'm going to tell you about did.

In this particular dream, I had the distinct and profound impression that it was an encounter with a messenger from God. Since 1998, no more than a few days at a time have gone by without this dream coming to my mind. Not in an obsessive way where I ponder it for hours on end, but in a more annoying sort of way, like a faint itch you would like to be able to scratch, but can't quite pinpoint.

I shared this dream online once before, about 8 or 9 years after I first had it and was a little surprised that, just before posting this, I was able to find it still archived there all these years later.

In light of events in the Middle East in general and in Jordan in particular, I'm compelled to share it once again with the unmistakable feeling that time is running short and someone who needs to stumble across it will. So, here goes.

First, I think it's important to keep in mind that I had this dream when it was rare for the average person to come across specifically relevant and geographically recognizable satellite imagery. It was long before the advent of Google Maps. I had no previous real context for this dream, but I somehow instinctively knew at what I was looking.

I was looking down from what I now know from google Maps to be about 20 miles above the earth at the Dead Sea and surrounding area and it was live; not like a picture. I could see the clouds and their shadows on the earth moving across the landscape below. I wasn't in my body.  I could only see and hear. I had no sense of touch. There was a huge arm and hand with a finger pointing down to what I was somehow positive was not just the general area, but a very specific area that I have circled in red on the map below and I heard a kind, but authoritative masculine voice say, "This is where it will begin." and I knew he meant the Time of Jacob's Trouble or the Great Tribulation. After a short pause he added, "A ball within a ball - that's the secret." And that was the end of it.

I wasn't given or impressed with any other information or any way of interpreting what I had seen, heard and what I can only describe as impressed with. It's difficult to convey the magnitude of the profound significance I felt this dream had while I was dreaming it and still feel about it today.

At the time, I looked through my bibles at the maps to try and understand what it meant, but couldn't find anything I thought was relevant. It wasn't until years later when I was able to access Google Maps on the internet that I learned there was actually a city there. And I was blown away when I discovered it was a city that is today called Karak, Kerak or Al-Karak and was mentioned in bible prophecy as Qer Harreseth, Kir-haraseth or Kir of Moab (the capital city of Moab). Relevant biblical prophesies can be found in Isaiah 15 and Jeremiah 48.

The thing that brought this dream back into focus for me was the news reports of the burning alive of the Jordanian pilot by ISIS. The photo below shows the father of the pilot, Saif al-Kaseasbeh (dressed in black), attending a meeting with senior Jordanian military officers at the family clan's headquarters located in...you guessed it... the city of Karak, Jordan. This together with the possibility of Iran getting a nuclear weapon and that whole mysterious "A ball within a ball - that's the secret." reference has me feeling a little apprehensive of late.

I don't pretend to know what, if anything, any of this means. If the dream actually was prophetic, for all I know it could be regarding events that will take place tomorrow or 1000 years from now. I simply don't know, but thought, if it truly turns out to be prophetic, that it is incumbent on me to share it again now, for the sake of documentation if nothing else.

One last thing. when I previously shared this dream online I quoted the voice as having said "A sphere within a sphere within a sphere...", but that was just my ego embellishing because for some reason I though it was more like what an angelic messenger from God should have said instead. It wasn't. "Ball" was the exact word that was used and it was only one ball within a ball. Oh well, add it to the list of stupid shit I've done over my lifetime.

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